Report to:

Place Scrutiny Committee


Date of meeting:

23 June 2021



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport 



Scrutiny Review of Road Markings



To provide an update on the action plan from the Scrutiny Review of Road Markings report dated March 2019





To note the updates to the recommendations and action plan set out in Appendix 1 of this report



1.       Background


1.1          The Place Scrutiny Committee at the meeting on 18 September 2019 agreed to establish a Review Board to undertake a Scrutiny Review of Road Markings. The scope of the review included:


·         The types of road markings and how frequently they are renewed;

·         the specifications for road markings and how they are applied;

·         whether utility company reinstatement works are replacing road markings adequately;

·         the road markings the Parking Team is responsible for (e.g. double yellow lines, parking bays etc.); and

·         the role of the Road Safety Team regarding road markings.


1.2           The lines of enquiry which have been explored in the review were:


·         Could the current system of prioritisation for routine maintenance work to refresh/renew road markings be improved?

·         Why do some road markings appear to wear out more rapidly than expected?

·         How frequently are parking enforcement road markings renewed and are there additional road markings that could be paid for from the parking budget? 

·         What do other local authorities spend on road markings and is the ESCC level of expenditure adequate?


1.3       The recommendations of the Scrutiny Review were presented to Cabinet for comment on 10 November 2020 and were accepted at Full Council on 1 December 2020. A copy of the full scrutiny review report and Cabinet’s response to the recommendations can be found on the Council’s web site here: Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 10th November, 2020, 9.30 am | East Sussex County Council.




2.       Supporting information


2.1          The Scrutiny Review of Road Markings was welcomed by the Department and the opportunity afforded by the review to explain to Members how the service is delivered.  


2.2       The Department’s response to the Review’s recommendations and an update to the action plan are set out in Appendix 1. A copy of the Scrutiny Review of Road Markings report has been included in Appendix 2 for information.


3.       Conclusion and reasons for recommendations


3.1       The Scrutiny Review highlighted several areas of focus for the department regarding the delivery and maintenance of road markings. Progress has been made against each of the recommendations as highlighted in Appendix 1.


3.2       The Place Scrutiny Committee is recommended to note the updates to the action plan.





Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Contact Officer: dale Poore



local members
